Metropolitan Baptist Church was organized on the 10th of March 1924 at three o'clock in the afternoon at 1718 Russell Street in the Christian Center. The late Reverend Christopher C. Cumby, then pastor of the Olivet Baptist Church, presided over the meeting. After an impressive sermon, entitled "Three Steps To The Throne," the Church was organized. One hundred and fifty people were in the organization.
By a majority vote the Church was named "New Hope", The late Reverend Peter J. Bryant of Atlanta, Georgia was called as pastor. He accepted with the understanding that he would not be able to assume full charge of the pastorate for one year but he would be with the Church each month during that year. At the close of the year, Reverend Bryant was unable to assume the full duties as pastor.
In 1925 the Reverend I. E. Taylor of Belzoni, Mississippi was called. He served as pastor of the Church for thirteen months. In July 1926 a Church building at Joseph Campau and Arndt Street was purchased. The following September The Reverend A. C. Williams, B.A., M.A., assumed the pastorate, which he held until his death.
In the fall of 1931 the Church was forced to relocate. Worship Services were held at Chene and Monroe for a period of five months.
In March of 1932 a Church home was purchased at 5434 Hastings Street. Soon after the New Jerusalem Baptist Church, under the leadership of Reverend George Taylor, merged with New Hope. Upon the recommendation of Reverend Williams the name was changed from New Hope Baptist Church to Metropolitan Baptist Church. We worshipped on Hastings for a period of nine years.
In March 1941, the Church relocated to 1343 East Ferry Street, where it remained for eighteen years. On November 21, 1953 the Rev. A.C. Williams died after 27 years of ministry to the Church.
After a period of six months, a Pulpit Committee was appointed, After listening to and examining the qualifications of several outstanding ministers, the Committee recommended the late Rev. Charles W. Butler, B.A., B.D., who at the time was teaching at
Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. On June 19, 1954 Rev. Butler was called as pastor. He accepted the pastorate of the Church
on July 18, 1954 and began serving September 1954.
Due to civic changes and population shifts, the Church voted to relocate and plans were begun for this endeavor in 1956.
In March 1959 the Church moved to its present site: 14th Street at Buena Vista. Under the Reverend Butler's leadership The Church's program continued expanding to serve the needs of its growing congregation.
On March 31, 1963 the Reverend Butler resigned the pastorate of Metropolitan Baptist Church in order to accept the invitation to serve as pastor of New Calvary Baptist Church in the city of Detroit.
The Reverend Charles E. Morton, B.A., B.D., Ph.D., L.H.D. was elected pastor on August 4, 1963. His previous position was that of Academic Dean at Fayetteville State College, Fayetteville, N.C. The fact that the Metropolitan had the greatest growth in finance, quality of worship and services to the community under his leadership is eloquent testimony to the effectiveness of his ministry.
Pastor Morton retired January 1994 leaving behind a legacy of outstanding leadership, service and commitment.
On Sunday, March 13, 1994. The Reverend Darryl W. Robinson, M. Div. was elected pastor. Reverend Robinson had previously held a position as Dean of Chapel, Shaw University, Raleigh, North Carolina. Under this leadership, existing programs were strengthened as well as expanded and new community conscience ministries were instituted. On Sunday, May 22, 1998. Reverend Robinson resigned. His leaving left the congregation with a greater sense of their own spirituality and a greater desire to minister to the needs of the total person.
The Reverend Jerome J. Washington, Ph.D., of New Orleans, LA was called to be the seventh pastor of Metropolitan in October 1999.
Under this leadeship, the Church increased its community outreach with the addition of evangelism outreach teams, the church community picnic, both Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous chapters and a prison ministry. On Sunday, June 10, 2007 Pastor Washington announced that, according to God's calling, it was time for him to leave Metropolitan. He resigned Sunday, July 11, 2007, accepting
the call to New Mt. Vernon Baptist Church of Duram, North Carolina.
Following a year of prayerful searching, the Church voted on Sunday, June 29, 2008 to call Rev. Charles Edward Clark, Jr., D.Min., as Metropolitan's eight pastor. Dr. Clark served as an Associate Minister at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Pontiac, MI since
2001 and Director of the Academic Skill Center at Oakland University in Rochester, MI. Dr. Clark preached his acceptance sermon on Sunday, July 27, 2008.
Rev. Clark resigned on November 22, 2014
Under dynamic new leadership and with God's help, we look forward to a future of even greater kingdom building.
DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48238 PHONE: 313-869-6676 FAX: 313-869-4250